What if We Designed our Own Learning? When Learning Comes Alive!

January 22, 2022 6:00 PM
55 Minutes
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Hanna Negusie

Hanna Negusie is a multifaceted campaign builder, researcher, and advocate that has worked across public health, education, research, and social work sectors. Through her work in the world, she aims to illuminate social issues and imagine alternative futures that are based in well-being, creativity, and critical awareness. Currently, Hanna is the Communications Lead with the Academy for the Love of Learning, a educational nonprofit in Santa Fe, NM, where she designs and expresses the Academy’s unique stories of transformational, community-based learning while also shaping the organization’s communications voice, tone, and strategy. Hanna is also creating #TheLearningSpirit Youth Summit, a virtual, youth-driven learning experience aimed at prompting expressions of self-knowledge, personal leadership, and agency through practicing awareness and co-creation.


Session Details

If you could design your own learning, what do you imagine coming alive? What would you create independently and co-create, and how would you share your vision with others? In this learning session, we’ll reflect on the prompt: When have you felt most alive as a person and a learner? And use this reflection point to imagine what our learning experiences would look and feel like if we followed our curiosity to design our own learning paths. This reflection point will also support us in imagining how schools could be transformed to spaces that simply support students in expressing their creativity and curiosity – through mentorship, teachers as guides, and even a redesigned physical space and structure. In coming together, we’ll share and imagine new possibilities and leave the session with one internal (self-focused) and/or external action (sharing or taking action in community) that we want to plant and grow in the upcoming months.
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