What if we co-created a platform to support young people to connect with themselves, each other, and the planet?

January 22, 2022 6:00 PM
80 Minutes
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Oli Williams

Oli Williams is the co-founder of Curriculum for Life (C4L): an intergenerational community of collaborators committed to providing access to learning which supports the development of positive relationships with ourselves, each other, the places we live in, and the planet. Oli is a graduate in Liberal Arts and Sciences from the University of Utrecht and is currently completing an MSc in ‘Social Justice and Community Action’ at the University of Edinburgh. Oli supports Curriculum for Life as a project coordinator and researcher. As a researcher, he is currently distilling scholarly literature to develop a guide for how curricula can be co-created with students as partners.


Session Details

This is an opportunity to shape the future of Curriculum for Life (C4L), an open-source education platform that creates and curates curricula that support the development of positive relationships with ourselves, each other, the unique places we live in, and our planet. C4L is committed to co-designing with young people curriculums that are inspiring, adaptable, and free for all to access. This is part of our initial outreach to young people who would like to guide us in co-creating life-affirming and open-source curriculums. The session will be an 80-minute, online peer-to-peer gathering, facilitated by youth for youth and adult allies, where we will discuss the question: What themes should Curriculum for Life prioritize to support young people to connect with themselves, each other, and the planet? For example, is it personal well being? Conscious adulting (i.e. personal finance, taxes, politics, etc.)? How to make sense of the world? Climate education and activism? How to become a lifelong learner? Emotional intelligence? Make your voice heard and help us decide where to focus our efforts. Our attention is yours! We will also be providing more information about our mission and sharing opportunities to join our community as we go forward.
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We are a non-profit, non-governmental organization, registered as a 501(c)3 in the U.S.A. All our funds go directly into organizing, facilitating and supporting our youth education activists. Donate today to sponsor youth-led transformation of education.
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