Tunisian Youth Design their own Educational Strategy!

January 21, 2022 7:00 PM
55 Minutes
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Mayssa Rezgui

Mayssa is a Tunisian business student, peer trainer and youth activist. Her main focus is to work on bringing an effective change into the lives of learners in her country. That is why she has been a youth advocate for a better quality education gathering skills and knowledge to form an ambitious and realistic vision for education in Tunisia. She believes that education is a crucial tool for a better future, one that encompasses the hopes of all future generations.


Session Details

In this session, Mayssa will share her experience as a national youth advocate co-creating an education strategy with young people across Tunisia. The main objectives of her organization’s advocacy are: - To serve as a pivot around which the national education system will achieve its mission by considering the learner no longer as a passive subject but as a future citizen in need of academic achievements in addition to other complementary needs. - Create a dynamic in all schools and universities (formal, non-formal and informal) to support them in becoming learner-centered - To encourage all learners to actively contribute to their own education by being aware of the imperatives of quality education. - To use advocacy as a basic working tool for all Association Youth Club (AYC) members to bring about the desired changes on the ground.
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