Student leadership: A Path to a World Free of Poverty and Filled with Love!

January 23, 2022 11:00 AM
55 Minutes
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Rupesh Chaurasia

Rupesh, an 11th grader from Mumbai, strongly believes in fostering educational and gender equity. He believes that everything goes in a cycle and being privileged with a reimagined education it is his responsibility to give it back to the society. With the ideology that equity can lead us to equality he started a project entitled The Equality Project. The Equality Project is an initiative that works towards bridging the gap amongst all the genders with the essence of respect, understanding, compassion, empathy and kindness by increasing awareness and turning it into action for a world free of poverty and filled with love! Besides this he runs a Student Mental health Club for teenagers where he fosters mental awareness and well-being amongst teenagers. He has also worked on a project Holistic Approaches with one of his peers to leverage safe spaces in his community. He believes in collective action through student leadership to create an India and world that is free of poverty and filled with love :)


Session Details

In this session we will be talking about the significance of student leadership in this modern world and how we can leverage it in different spaces in order to make the India and World that we envision a reality. Throughout this session we would be exploring student leadership at the same time we would be strengthening our belief in the true potential of students and the impact they can have if given the right opportunities to unleash their potential. While we are going through all of this, understanding the bigger purpose of education and bringing this alive in our life for a world and India & world free of poverty and filled with love!
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