Strength in Numbers

January 22, 2022 1:30 PM
25 Minutes
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Yeshna Dindoyal

Yeshna has been called to the bar of England and Wales and is now a pupil barrister in her home country Mauritius. She was part of the first edition of Youth Parliament in her country, and has been a regular contributor to Voices of Youth UNICEF. After graduating from law school, she founded an educational platform called Speak, which amplifies voices of women and simplifies Mauritian laws on gender based violence into simple user-friendly language and also promotes legislative reforms pertaining to issues affecting Mauritian women. Speak not only provides legal empowerment and education but also, provides mental health support and education to survivors. Yeshna is also trilingual, and comes from Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean, also known as the Paradise Island.


Session Details

Strength in numbers is a get-together, where we talk about anything and everything of what makes us who we are. Stories have power, and sharing our stories is strength in numbers. From talking about our roots, to our upbringing, to our culture, and to our educational and emotional baggage, we spill the tea, so that the world knows, what shaped us into the activist and person we are today, and what we will be tomorrow. Stories are powerful, so tell yours today.
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