Dr. Nina Meyerhof
Dr. Nina Meyerhof, founder of Children of the Earth (COE), a worldwide organization that empowers youth working for peace and the establishment of the One Humanity Institute (OHI) for peace and regeneration as a “solutionarium” located in Oswiecim-Auschwitz, Poland. Nina’s innovative work in peace and sustainability through educational methodologies has reached young people in over 90 countries and continues to grow. Nina co-authored the book, “Conscious Education: The Bridge to Freedom”; developed a one of a kind handbook entitled, “Pioneering Spiritual Activism”. Nina has received awards for her work from The Mother Theresa Award to the Citizens Department of Peace Award to The International Educators Award as well as the State of Vermont passed a Resolution honoring her for her life’s work in PEACE, the Sage Award and the top 2nd for the Public Peace Prize. Recently awarded The Global Leadership and Lifetime Award as well as the Visioneer Lifetime Achievement Award as a Heroine of Humanity.
Session Details
Who are you? What are your ethics? What do you bring to the world? How to be a leader? You are invited to learn the path of Spiritual Activism, so that you can be the leader you are called to be. As each young person learns to be a spiritual seeker, discovering both eternal truths and personal truths, he or she is able to make a conscious decision to be of service to manifest peace and unity in the world and to link to others who hold the same intention. One by one, you become your authentic self, improve your relationships and focus on making the world a better place for now and for future generations. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead, US Anthropologist (1901-1978)
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