Reimagining Education WITH Children

January 22, 2022 11:00 AM
55 Minutes
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Sruthi Dharuman

Sruthi joined the Teach For India Fellowship in 2019 and taught grades 8 to 10 at a Government school in Hyderabad, India. During her Fellowship, she witnessed the power of student voice and agency amongst the students she taught. The impact they created in their ecosystem shaped her belief in student leadership. Her experiences learning and working with students and teachers from various schools in Hyderabad led her to join the Kids Education Revolution, a movement of students and educators reimagining education. Currently, she leads projects designed to facilitate the knowledge, skills, and mindsets that enable students to become leaders of today!


Deepigashri Shankar

Hello everyone! This is Deepigashri Shankar, a 11th grader, pursuing psychology as my core subject from Chennai at Budding Minds International school! An Ardent Poet, An occasional athlete and a full-time change- maker! Might sound like an over-dramatized introduction, perhaps that’s part of me too! I was a KER’20 and KER’21 revolutionary! I worked on a mental health project during the pandemic which aimed to encourage kids and teens to be self-conscious and have a health mental health by celebrating ‘little things’ in life. Initially 2 years back I was part of a project called ‘kanavu’ where I taught government school children the art of storytelling and engaged in interactive activities opposed to rote method learning!

Session Details

Across the world, students, who are the primary stakeholders in the Education system, are for the most part mere recipients of an education where their voices are often marginalized and suppressed. At KER, we believe that this can be changed by creating safe spaces for voice, working in partnership with children and by helping students unleash their potential for a better world.
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We are a non-profit, non-governmental organization, registered as a 501(c)3 in the U.S.A. All our funds go directly into organizing, facilitating and supporting our youth education activists. Donate today to sponsor youth-led transformation of education.
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