Media for Educational Change

January 23, 2022 4:00 PM
25 Minutes
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Onengiye Amachree

A Teach For Nigeria Fellow. A graduate of Mass Communication, from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra state. Nigeria. A TV and Radio presenter, an actor, an entertainment enthusiast, a writer, an overall creative.


Session Details

The session aims to provide clarity, and exposure to how we can utilize the media to effect positive educational change. To illuminate the minds of young people, letting them know that even "word of mouth" can be a powerful medium. A lot of people perceive the media as traditionally, radio, television and in modern times, the internet. While this is true, it would be refreshing to have a fresh perspective on how we can be the media. How we can utilize our mouths as a powerful media tool to effect desirable change.
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