Healing Histories: Growing the Seeds of Activism by Healing the Collective Wounds

January 23, 2022 2:00 PM
80 Minutes
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Lana Jelenjev

Lana Jelenjev is a community alchemist and learning design specialist with a solid background in training and education. She is the author of Community Builder: Designing Communities for Change and The 90 Day Action Planner, a Kickstarter-backed planner for creative entrepreneurs. Lana provides support in various areas related to ideation, curriculum design, community building and personal development. Lana is an avid firestarter, having co-founded initiatives like Neurodiversity Education Academy, an online platform providing awareness, education and support for teachers, parents and students on the topic of Neurodiversity. She is also a co-founder of Shift Foundation, an organisation for real life learning and awareness based collective action. Lana also launched Community Alchemy, an online learning and mastermind program focused on designing communities for change.


Session Details

Where did we learn about activism? What did the society we grew up in tell us about being an activist? What did our culture teach us about activism? How did our history impact our beliefs? In this Community Garden session, Lana will facilitate reflective prompts that address collective historical experiences and how they influence our perspectives on activism. The intention for this session is to provide a safe and brave space to explore historical wounds and their impact in our roles as activists. At the end of this session, participants will: - Leave with an appreciation of their cultural and historical context - Have a broader perspective on their roles as activists - Reconnect with their ancestors and culture
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