Football & Education

January 23, 2022 3:30 PM
25 Minutes
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Etim-Etim Bassey Akpan

Etim-Etim Bassey Akpan is an Educationist and a Fellow at Teach for Nigeria, He teaches Numeracy and Literacy at an underserved public primary school in a low income community in Abeokuta, Nigeria. As a Fellow at Teach for Nigeria, he has been able to help create and help his learners by providing a strong opportunity for growth, providing days with a variety of tasks, strategies and methodologies to help learners attain a excellent education. On beginning his Fellowship journey, he made a commitment to set my learners on a part to achieve a holistic education, a passion that gained him an admission into Huracan Foundation Academy, a UK based charity NGO, that has a shared passion of using football as a catalyst to improve learners academic outcomes. Being part of the Huracan Foundation has brought he closer towards achieving his dreams 'That one day every Child will gain access to quality education'. He's the founder of the Teach for Nigeria Sport School and a co-founder of Gents' Court.


Session Details

"Sport has the power to change the world," Mandela said. It has the power to inspire and it speaks to the youth in a language they understand. In this session, Etim-Etim will discuss the Huracan FC Abeokuta project, a football project in Partnership with the Huracan Foundation London aimed at educating and addressing the challenges faced by Nigerian learners in low-income communities. The project coaches, grooms and provides some mentorship by incorporating sporting activities into Learning cycles to further enhance student's academic performance and general well-being. In light of our research on Child welfare and upbringing in the slums of Nigeria, a lot of teenegers struggle with Sexual abuse, Drug abuse, depression thereby expressing juvenile tendencies and these is mostly attributed to poor living conditions, thus poses a threat to the society. The greatest religion is humanity, the understanding of this philosophy underscores and underpins why "The Huracan FC Abeokuta" project serves as that umbrella body to offer a sense of purpose and belonging for our learners in underserved school, that creates a room for learners to channel their energy into something useful and productive, using sporting events as our focus point to achieve a vice free liveable community.
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