Creating a New Political System with Young People at the Heart of it

January 23, 2022 6:00 PM
55 Minutes
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Indra Adnan

Indra Adnan is a socio-political entrepreneur, founder of The Alternative UK. She is concurrently, a pyschosocial therapist, journalist and consultant on soft power. She has consulted to the World Economic Forum, British, Danish and Brazilian governments as well as (controversially) NATO and the Institute of Contemporary Arts. Indra is also co-initiating Bounce Beyond (Next Economies Forum), FemmeQ (exploring feminine intelligence as new systems thinking), LIFT (Integral Learning for the Future of Politics) and CtrlShift (emerging people power in cosmolocal communties). Her recently published book The Politics of Waking Up: Power and Possibility in the Fractal Age was a Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year in 2021.


Session Details

Young people bring a new way of looking at the world, at a time when the world itself may be facing the 6th mass extinction. How can we bring their adapted intelligence into the heart of power relations, to give Planet Earth – and human beings – the best chance of survival? This session will consist of four stages of inquiry into the distinctions between old and new ways of thinking and being: (1) What is a whole human being? (What is I?) (2) What kinds of structures can enable human potential? (What are We?) (3) How can we regenerate the planet (How can I impact the World?) (4) Imagining a new political system that links I-We-World. The session will be a mix of: - reflection, including what makes the old system dysfunctional - immersive, creative participation - sharing recent innovations in the field of reimagining democracy - practical steps from here.
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