Communities of Practice, Diversity and Deep Learning

January 23, 2022 3:00 PM
55 Minutes
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Victoria Haro

Victoria is co-founder and director of the Universidad del Medio Ambiente (UMA –University of the Environment) in Mexico. Founded in 2009, UMA is the first formal university in Latin America focused entirely in socio-environmental studies in diverse disciplines and offering a project-based, on-site education designed for self-directed co-change agents. Her current work focuses on the integration and evolution of learning communities that may generate personal, interpersonal and transpersonal transformations able to foster social and environmental regeneration.


Session Details

How can we integrate communities in diversity to broaden our mutual understanding and cosmovisions? How can we form communities of practice where we can experiment and self direct our learning collectively? In this session we will have a community of practice (CoP) experience around our work as education co-change agents, briefly review the CoP framework, and converse around the potential and challenges of promoting a dialogue culture in diversity, vis-a-vis an emerging culture of polarization.
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