Beautiful You

January 22, 2022 10:00 AM
55 Minutes
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Sushmitha BN

Sushmitha is a change maker in the society and a core team member of a youth initiative called ‘Change The Narratives’ who help young people to voice out their problems, challenges, and create a platform for them to express. She also supports the Strategic Initiatives team at Dream a Dream, a non-profit empowering young people from vulnerable backgrounds to overcome adversity and thrive in the fast-changing world. She has been part of Change the Script International Conference as a young person, a fellow & co-member of NAZ in 2019 where she taught about Social emotional learning (SEL). Having been trained in mindfulness and compassion, she took a big risk and said no to marriage when her family wanted to marry her off and went on changing her family intentions; her fearlessness when facing a tough situation inspired several other girls in her community. She was a keynote speaker at a conference named CTSX (CHANGE THE SCRIPT X) for the youth to reimagine the 21st century. She was one of the youngest from India to be part of the G20 Interfaith Forum, a conference to bring change in the education system. She is also an adviser and mentor to her co-fellows.


Session Details

The intent of this activity is to empower participants in identifying their own strengths, enhancing them, and also building an ability to notice others’ strengths and appreciating them. This activity involves some degree of creative risk, which might be new for some participants. However, considering the reflective nature of this session, it helps in setting the tone for deeper awareness about one’s inner life and more appreciation for one’s own self. This helps them build their self-image (what they think of themselves), and in turn, enhances their self-esteem. This is also a medium through which participants can indulge in self-expression in a safe and effective way. Purpose: - To understand oneself deeper by identifying inner strengths - To appreciate one’s own strengths and those of others
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