Glocal Hubs

YouthxYouth Glocal Hubs are our locally-rooted, globally-supported homes for youth-led transformation of education.

Currently not accepting applications. See open applications here.

About the program

YouthxYouth Glocal Hubs are our locally-rooted, globally-supported homes for youth-led transformation of education. They are facilitated by resident youth weavers in partnership with allies and institutions to accelerate the process of young people influencing, designing, and creating systemic change locally.

How to get involved:

Join a glocal hub here:

Where we are rooted: 

These locally-rooted, globally-supported homes for youth-led transformation of education are currently growingin Our nine Glocal Hubs are across six countries: Nigeria (Lagos, Ogun), South Africa (Cape Town), Uganda (Kampala, Nakivale, and Namutumba), Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Cameroon (Yaounde), and Kenya (Mbita).

Addressing issues around unemployment through digital skills, upskilling vocational centers, inaccessible school fees, corporal punishment, peace education war, digital safety for girls, and empowering women in regenerative agriculture. We empower local youth with skills to collaboratively address these challenges.