Systems Developer

Ron Berlinski

Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski


Ron Berlinski is on a mission to change the way the world thinks about the education system. He believes that lifelong learning is essential, but the traditional education system isn't doing enough to create curious, engaged learners. He wants to shake things up.

His educational journey started at the age of 17, when he found his passion for learning disappear into the education system. He knew that there had to be a better way to learn, and he started the first Curiosity Club, a space within his school where learners can learn anything they are curious about through collaborative projects.

Through his journey he met lovely people, and formed beautiful connections with the powerful community of people devoted to transforming education.

Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski
Ron Berlinski

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We are a non-profit, non-governmental organization, registered as a 501(c)3 in the U.S.A. All our funds go directly into organizing, facilitating and supporting our youth education activists. Donate today to sponsor youth-led transformation of education.
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